Early Process

Organic Shape: shapes that are associated with items from the natural world, including but not limited to plants, animals and flowers. These shapes are made up of curves and angles.

Organic shapes form the curves and ridges of the mountains

Geometric Shape: shapes that are not present in nature, which are perfect and have uniform measurements. Examples of geometric shape include circles and squares.

Geometric Shapes like circles and rectangles form the stop light
In the background, the organic shape of clouds can be seen

Symmetrical Balance: subjects are usually centered and the photo is evenly balanced in weight, both sides should mirror each other.

The photo is symmetrically balanced, both sides are equal to one another

Asymmetrical Balance: the two sides of the photo are not identical but the subjects are in an arrangement that gives the photo a feeling of balance.

The woman is not centered in the photo and the two sides are not identical, but the picture has balance with the overwhelming amount of papers on the right hand side

Radial Balance: balance that is centered around a circle and any design extending from the center of the circle.
This photo of oranges shows radial balance, with the center of circle shape with the pit and the equal balanced design of the inner orange texture surrounding the center


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